Grammatikalisch richtiges English? bitte um hilfe

  • masterchiller
  • 1345 Aufrufe 11 Antworten

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  • Grammatikalisch richtiges English? bitte um hilfe

    hey community,
    habe auf english eine Biography von der Marie Curie geschrieben und nun wollt ich euch bitten, diese durchzulesen und eventuelle fehler zu verbessern ^^.
    wäre wunderbar, würde nämlich doof aussehn, wenn tausend fehler drin sind :depp:

    also hier fängts an:

    1867: Marie Curie was born alias Marya Sklodowska. She was the daughter of a mathematics- and Physics professor in Warschau.

    1883: She passed the Lyzeum with honor. Because of bad investments the familie had no money.

    1883-1891: Sklodowska accepted a place as an educator, in order to finance their elder sister the medicine study in Paris. She read honorary at the Polish-national oriented “free university” in Warschau with worker women Literatur in Polish language.

    1891: Sklodowska followed her sister to France, who supported her for their part financially.
    1891: Study of mathematics and physics at that Paris Sorbonne.

    1893/94: In the final examination for physics Sklodowska reserved she the first place, in the mathematical final examination was she the secondarybest. She became Doktorandin of physics professor Antoine Henri Becquerel.

    1895: She married the Physicist Pierre Curie. They worked together in an improvised laboratory under extremely insufficient conditions.
    1896: She isolated two unknown elements, radium and polonium, whose radiation she called “radioactively”. Marie curie baptized the element polonium after her homeland.

    1897: Birth of her daughter Irène, which received 1935 together with her married man Frédéric Joliot curie (1900-1958) the Nobelpreis for chemistry.

    1898: Marie curie discovered the radioactivity of the element thorium.

    1900: She informed physics to the École normal Supérieure for girls in Sèvres. There Curie introduced to instruction the method of the experimental demonstration.

    1903: June: Graduation in physics. December: With Becquerel the Curies keept common to the Nobelpreis for physics “for the development and pioneer achievement in the area of the spontaneous radioactivity and the radiation phenomena”.
    1904: Birth of her daughter Ève. Publication of their thesis “investigations on the radioactive substances”.

    1906: Marie Curie’s husband died in a car accident. She resumed the lectures of her man at that Paris university. Thus curie is the first woman, who teached to the Sorbonne.

    1908: She received the tidy Professur for physics to the Sorbonne.

    1911: Curie was distinguished for the isolation of the element radium with the Nobelpreis for chemistry.

    1914: She became a chief of the institute for radium at that Paris university.

    1914-1918: Together with their daughter Irène, she developd in the First World War a mobile Röntgenstation. Curie steered even at the front one of this Roentgen car, which maked the investigation possible of hurt soldiers locally.

    1918-1927: Researched work with their daughter at the institute for radium in Paris. Under Curie’s line developed Institut to a center of nuclear physics. Curie holds lectures in Brazil, Spain, Belgium and Czechoslovakia.

    1921: In company of her two daughters curie went to USA. The president of the United States, Warren G. Harding (1865-1923), present her as symbolic acknowledgment of her researched a gram radium, whose purchased was financed by the donations of American women.

    1922: Curie was member of the academy for medicine. She employed chemical investigations of radioactive substances and looked for their medical use possibilities.

    1934: Marie Curie died in Sancellemoz (Savoyen) because of leukaemia, a consequence of their high-dose and contacts of many years with radioactive elements.

    vielen dank für eure hilfe!
    so long chill0r

  • 1883: She passed the Lyzeum with honor. Because of bad investments the familie had no money.

    1883: She passed the Lyzeum with honor. Because of bad investments the family had no money.

    1893/94: In the final examination for physics Sklodowska reserved she the first place, in the mathematical final examination was she the secondarybest.

    1893/94: In the final examination for physics Sklodowska reserved she the first place, in the mathematical final examination was she the secondary best.

    1896: She isolated two unknown elements, radium and polonium, whose radiation she called “radioactively”. Marie curie baptized the element polonium after her homeland.

    1896: She isolated two unknown elements, radium and polonium, whose radiation she called “radioactively”. Marie curie baptised the element polonium after her homeland.

    1903: June: Graduation in physics. December: With Becquerel the Curies keept common to the Nobelpreis for physics

    1903: June: Graduation in physics. December: With Becquerel the Curies kept common to the Nobelpreis for physics

    Mehr Fehler find ich nicht (liegt entweder daran dass du nicht mehr Fehler gemacht hast, oder daran dass mein Englisch jetzt auch nicht grad das Beste ist)

    Greetz FLutz
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  • -Nobelpreis -> Nobel prize

    die elemente würde ich durch zb.`polonium´ highlighten, dadurch stechen sie besser hervor

    -Professur -> professorship

    1934: Marie Curie died in Sancellemoz (Savoyen) because of leukaemia, as a consequence of their high-dose and contacts of many years with radioactive elements.

    1922: Curie was member of the academy for medicine. She employed chemical investigations of radioactive substances and researched their possible medical use.
    (bin nicht sicher, ob das jetzt nicht aus dem Zusammenhang gerissen ist, aber ich halte es so für besser)

    1921: In company of her two daughters Curie moved to the USA. The president of the United States, Warren G. Harding (1865-1923), made her as a symbolic acknowledgment of her research a present of one gram radium, which was financed by the donations of American women.

    1918-1927: Researched work with their daughter at the institute for radium in Paris. Under Curie’s line developed the institute to a center of nuclear physics. Curie holds lectures in Brazil, Spain, Belgium and Czechoslovakia.

    1914-1918: In the First World War she developed a mobile x-ray station together with her daughter Irène. Curie even steered one of her x-ray cars on the front, which made it possible to examine hurt soldiers locally.

    1914: She became chief physician of the institute for radium in Paris.

    1911: Curie was honored with the Nobel prize for chemistry for the isolation of the element radium.

    Sorry, wenn ich das sagen muss, aber dein Englisch ist echt nicht das Wahre... kann natürlich auch sein, dass ich mich irre... ich lasse mich gerne korrigieren

    mehr kommt noch, muss aber jetzt weg!

    mfg Susha
  • masterchiller schrieb:

    hey community,
    habe auf english eine Biography von der Marie Curie geschrieben und nun wollt ich euch bitten, diese durchzulesen und eventuelle fehler zu verbessern ^^.
    wäre wunderbar, würde nämlich doof aussehn, wenn tausend fehler drin sind :depp:

    also hier fängts an:

    1867: Marie Curie alias M.S. was born, where?! was born alias Marya Sklodowska. Her father was a prof. of mathematics- and Physics in Warschau.

    1883: She passed the Lyzeum with honor furthermore the familiy wasnt well off because of bad investments.

    1883-1891: Sklodowska accepted a place as an educator, in order to finance their elder sister the medicine study in Paris. She read honorarly at the Polish-national oriented “free university” in Warschau with worker women Literatur in Polish language.
    sehr kompliziert ausgedrückt! what about: In order to finance her elder sister scholarship, she worked as a educator. Nevertheless, she read honorarly .....den rest versteh ich nicht was du damit sagen willst

    1891: S.M. moved to France, her sister supportet her financially.
    Sklodowska followed her sister to France, who supported her for their part financially.
    1891: Study of mathematics and physics at Paris Sorbonne. kein that!

    1893/94: In the final examination for (of?) physics Sklodowska was the best of the year , in the final examination of mathamatic she became second. In result she became doc. of physic....

    1895: She married the Physicist Pierre Curie. They worked together in an improvised laboratory under extremely insufficient conditions.
    1896: She seperated two unknown elements, radium and polonium, whose radiation she called “radioactively”. Marie Curie named/nominate (musste gucken was am besten passt->duden. baptized heisst taufen) the element polonium after her homeland.

    1897: Birth of her daughter Irène, who received 1935 together with her married man Frédéric Joliot curie (1900-1958) the Nobelpreis for chemistry.

    1898: Marie curie discovered the radioactivity of tho...

    1900: She established physics to the École normal Supérieure for girls in Sèvres. There Curie introduced to instruction the method of the experimental demonstration. was soll das heißen?

    June 1903: Graduation in physics. December: With Becquerel the Curies keept common to the Nobelpreis for physics “for the development and pioneer achievement in the area of the spontaneous radioactivity and the radiation phenomena”.
    1904: Birth of her daughter Ève. Publication of her theory “investigations on the radioactive substances”.

    1906: Marie Curie’s husband died in a car accident. She resumed the lectures of her man at kein that Paris university. Thus curie is the first woman, who teached to the Sorbonne.

    1908: She received the tidy (tidy?!) Professur for physics to the Sorbonne. ??

    1911: Curie was awarded with the Nobelpreis for chemistry. for the isolation of the element radium with the Nobelpreis for chemistry.

    1914: She became chief of the institute for radium at Paris university.

    1914-1918: Together with their daughter Irène, she introduced during with the Nobelpreis for chemistry. the First World War. Curie steered even at the front one of this x-ray car , which maked the medical attendance of injured people locally possible

    1918-1927: Researched work with her daughter at the institute of radium in Paris. Under Curie’s line developed Institut to a center of nuclear physics. (!!!!!) Curie holds lectures in Brazil, Spain, Belgium and Czechoslovakia.

    1921: In company of her two daughters curie went to USA. The president of the United States, Warren G. Harding (1865-1923), presented her as symbolic acknowledgment of her researched a gram radium, whose purchased was financed by the donations of American women.

    1922: Curie was member of the academy for medicine. She employed chemical investigations of radioactive substances and researched their medical uses

    1934: Marie Curie died in Sancellemoz (Savoyen) because of leukaemia, a consequence of their high-dose and contacts of many years with radioactive elements.

    vielen dank für eure hilfe!
    so long chill0r

    welche klasse bist und was hast du für ne english note? da sind ja mal sehr viele fehler drin. ich hab mal ein paar verbessert, wovon ich ausgeh dass sie falsch waren. aber korrigert mich :)

    einzelne wörter oder ! heißen, dass das so irgendwie keinen sinn macht. schaus dir mal an....
  • so erstmal vielen vielen dank an euch ! klasse arbeit =)

    @Susha: mag sein, dass mein englisch nicht das beste ist, dennoch bin ich nicht der schlechteste in meiner klasse. ich bin eig. bei den "besseren" dabei :P

    @sprudel: bist du lehrer? ^^; ich besuche die 11. klasse. (bin 16 jahre alt). meine englisch note war eine 4 ;(. obwohl ich meiner meinung nach mind. eine 3 schaffen könnte. aber nunja die faulheit X( (das wird sich aber ändern ;) )

    so nocheinmal vielen dank an euch ! ich werde mir alles nocheinmal durchlesen und verbessern :) :)

    so long. chill0r
  • äh nein bin kein lehrer. ganz normaler schüler, der die schulbank in der 13. klasse zum zweiten mal drückt. aber hab engl. lk und war auch im ausland.

    lass es aber nochmal von wem 3. durchlesen und gibs nicht einfach so ab! tu dir den gefallen!

    aso es heisst glaub ich nopelprice OF!!!!!

    und 1914-1918 ist unklar, weiss aber auch nicht mehr was ich sagen wollte. musste nochmal überarbeiten, macht so ja auch keinen sinn wie es da steht....
  • Dieser Beitrag kann gerne gelöscht werden.

    Ich möchte nur hinzufügen, dass die Originalversion editiert werden sollte, an den Stellen, an den sich hier alle einig sind.

    Denn sonst ist es ziemlich umständlich, wenn man erst hinterher bemerkt, dass die Fehler berichtigt worden sind.
    Edit: Sprudels Arbeit soll ja auch Früchte tragen ;).

    Edit: Ja, zwar habe ich Recht, aber nichts wesentliches zum Thema beigetragen.
    [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="1"]Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watches which Swatch watch?[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkOrange"][FONT="TrebuchetMS"]Freundliche User: Deluxemaster, Moddingfreak, [SIZE="2"][COLOR="YellowGreen"]DarkmastaA[/SIZE][/color][/FONT][/color][/SIZE], Chrisi000
  • Hey masterchiller,
    als Ergänzung zu sprudel's toller Korrektur zu dem Satz ....
    aus dem Sprudel - übrigens auch ich nicht völlig ;) - nicht ganz schlau geworden ist....

    ....In order to finance her elder sister scholarship, she worked as a educator.

    Mein Schnellvorschlag, ohne Garantie, ob es das trifft, was Du meinst:
    ....Nevertheless, she honorarly gave further readings in polish in gender studies about literare of working-class-women at the free - national orientated - Warsaw university

    Sollte man aber besser in zwei/drei Sätzen ausdrücken :)