Global warming!

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  • Global warming!

    What is your mind?
    How could we stop/reduce it?
    What do you do for clima protection??

    I'm interested in YOUR mind!!

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  • global warming

    What a well-chosen topic, I am pleased with your mind ;)

    I would like to list some facts agains globam warming, or in other words: saving the environment.

    Our changing world: Every day there is traffic crawling (on the M6 near Birmingham,or another important fact: A plane approaching the runaway. Or: The Sellafield power station in Cumbria.

    I usually try to save the environment,thought it is very difficult to do so, such as using cars (alsready mentioned above) . There is su much industry everywhere!
  • I think all the flights with airplanes to holidays are very unnötig^^
    if everyone, who wants to go on holiday, would stay in europe and visit the gorgeous places here, this would surely help to stop the global warming. what do you think?

    mfg saem

    sorry for my english xD
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  • This list is very interesting!!
    Many things on this list i already do but if we dont want to leave a destroyed world to our children, we all have to do something for our world!! Its easy to say, but its not too late!!
    [SIZE="1"]FSK 12 : Der Held kriegt das Mädchen
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  • Thanks for the Link, akbanerjee! The list is really interesting! I also believe that each individual one of us contributes people more or less to changing the climate! :( According to my opinion, one can hold this change no more open. It will come... sooner or later, we all will be involved by it! :(
    I know this been attuned very pessimistic I with this topic!


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  • @nimdaXD: That's a serious topic, you shouldn't make fun of!!!

    I think that had been prevent - it was for a long time well-known that the environment takes lot of damage but nothing was done to stop this - until it was too late - now we draw the first obvious conclusions, and it was talking about that something will be done...

    ...but I haven't seen any effective changes yet...

  • let' be serious guy's,
    the hole thing about the global warming, didn't start just yesterday.
    now the politicans start and tell the people that global warming isn't good for the planet, but my opinion is that they should have started the hole thing about it 20 years ago and not now.
    the ozone is allready fu..d up and look at all the funny weather (typhoons, forest burning down and other stuff) all over the world.
    thats all because the world didn't give a crap about the global warming and now that the north and southpole are melting down so fast, they got awake and find that it's very bad.
    like i said they should have thought about it 20 years ago,. as it wasn't so bad with the global warming
  • Hi everybody,
    if we accept that global warming is man made we only have one chance:
    we must stopp the growth of human population.
    But that topic is not (will not be) discussed.
  • Well...we all should help to stop too much CO2 production.
    It wouldn't help anyone if some people on the world care for the CO2 emission.
    But if all people would think about this topic and if all people would do their bit to stop to much CO2 emission, the world would be safer, more easy-going, there wouldn't be much natural disasters and the world would have a balanced temperature.

    Think about it ;)


    It's a lie and everybody should know it.

    Can you prove it?
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  • I think KobeShow's account was hacked. I read it in another thread.

    Germany is definitely going the right way to reduce the CO2 emissions by using more and more regenewable energy sources. Last year I made an overview of possible future energy sources in school. Later we discussed that in class and we came to the conclusion that only a combination of various types of renewable energy source can supply the country (or the world).
    In windy areas (or on the sea) there should be wind farms.
    In sunny areas there should huge plants collecting solar power etc.

  • I think KobeShow's account was hacked. I read it in another thread.

    Oh ok I didn't know that...

    Germany is definitely going the right way to reduce the CO2 emissions by using more and more regenewable energy sources. Last year I made an overview of possible future energy sources in school. Later we discussed that in class and we came to the conclusion that only a combination of various types of renewable energy source can supply the country (or the world).
    In windy areas (or on the sea) there should be wind farms.
    In sunny areas there should huge plants collecting solar power etc.

    Pretty nice aspects. I think that would be a good way to save our planet. But you have to publish these ideas so that everyone can do his/her bit for it.

    So long...
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  • I´m a little to lazy right now to read all the posts, maybe it´s already been said.

    But in my opinion it´s just a natural circle. We also discussed the topic in our english lessons and as our teacher is a very dedicated young person, he brought many researches and showed us how wrong illustrated graphs have been used to influence the public opinion of global warming.

    The truth is ice ages have taken place as well as warm periods a long time ago.
    You have to realize that climate research is a pseudo science. Every scientist can just look at his research and say how things have taken place in the past. But they can only say that it happened, not why. Therefore if a scientist says today that CO² will cause global warming that is nothing more than a supposition.

    Don´t always trust the media coverage...
  • Mic3 schrieb:

    when all help reducing the CO2 then we can stop the global warming

    Yeah, I think, everybody likes it to don't use the car, don't use electricity, don't fly on holiday, don't eat imported things, don't watch tv, and much more things!

    You have to think in a much bigger dimension.
    If only one week, producing CO2 is stopped or using things which were produced with CO2, the whole world would crash into a Global chaos.

    Sorry for my English, but I'm a student :D