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  • N1GHT-R1D3R
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  • (Un-)Szenegemäße RLSes von diversen Membern

    Was würdet ihr eher leechen? 6
      Ein szenegerechtes RLS (3) 50%
      Ein RLS, dass nur aus MP3s besteht (3) 50%
    Hoi leute,

    ich hab schon einige Male hier aus'm Board Alben geleecht, leider musste ich feststellen, dass viele Alben net szenegemäß sind, deshalb hab ich hier mal den Post erstellt.
    zuerst möchte ich ne Empfehlung loswerden: "MP3.Releaser.v3.1B376.by-MorGoTH" könnt ihr nehmen, wenn es schnell gehen soll. Sucht bei Google danach oder vllt. kann ich es auch irgendwie bereitstellen.
    Wenn ihr euch schon mal die Mühe macht n Album einzurippen, haltet bitte die Rulez ein:


    1. MP3 Council (un)Official Scene Releasing Standards 2000
    2. 1. An .SFV file must be produced for verifying every release.
    3. 2. An .NFO file must be produced for every release.
    4. The NFO file must feature at least:
    5. - Title
    6. - Artist Name
    7. - Label
    8. - Release Date
    9. - Tracks
    10. - Genre
    11. - Encode Bit rate
    12. - Source
    13. - Encoder
    14. Nfo must contain as much information about the release as possible,
    15. a recommendation is that you place a release notes section in the NFO
    16. 3. Directory standard
    17. The following are the standards for directory naming:
    18. Directories must only contain characters; a-z A-Z 0-9 _ . - ( )
    19. The filenames cannot contain () through artist neither in dir nor in filename
    20. All release data will be held within one release directory; no CD1, CD2 directories
    21. Various Artist releases must start with "VA", soundtracks with "OST".
    22. Underscores and singular periods will be used. No double periods, i.e. ".."
    23. Length of ALL directories/filenames must no exceed 64 characters.
    24. Directory naming will follow this format (spaces are used to better display the format):
    25. Artist Name- Title - Additional Information - Published Year - Group name
    26. i.e. "artist_-_title-4cd-2000-group"
    27. Additional information tags are (suggestions):
    28. VLS - vinyl single (1-2 tracks)
    29. EP - vinyl maxi-single (2-5+ tracks)
    30. LP - vinyl full-length album
    31. CDS - cd single (1-2 tracks)
    32. CDM - cd maxi-single (2-5+ tracks)
    33. MD - minidisk
    34. Promo - promotional
    35. XX-import
    36. RETAIL - retail
    37. ...
    38. etc.
    39. 4. Filename standard
    40. Files must only contain characters; a-z A-Z 0-9 _ . - ()
    41. Dots are not allowed as replacement for spaces in filenames because it slows down windows
    42. File naming will follow this format (spaces are used to better display the format):
    43. Track Number - Artist - Song Title - Additional Info - Group.mp3
    44. Track numbering example:
    45. Single CD Release, or non CD and less than 2 sides, cds, etc...
    46. 01-... (track 1)
    47. 02-... (track 2)
    48. etc.
    49. Multi CD Releaes, or non CD and more than 1 side, cd, etc...
    50. 101-... (track 1 from cd 1)
    51. 102-... (track 2 from cd 1)
    52. 201-... (track 1 from cd 2)
    53. 202-... (track 2 from cd 2)
    54. etc.
    55. For vinyl releases you may also use the naming scheme a1, a2, b1, b2, etc...
    56. 5. Encoding
    57. One of the following encoders MUST be used:
    58. - Fraunhofer HQ
    59. - LAME - http://www.sulaco.org/mp3/
    60. Encode Bit rate:
    61. Only 160JS or 192FS (Not 160FS or 192JS). For comedy or lower quality sources 160JS.
    62. Encode Bit rate from a quality source 192FS should be used.
    63. 6. No dupes!
    64. You are not allowed to create a duplicate release from any other source if the original CD
    65. has already been released.
    66. You are allowed to create a duplicate release from a source of lower quality.
    67. (not allowed: vinyl after CD release - allowed: CD after vinyl release)
    68. A release is a dupe if the complete release (all tracks) is included in ONE previous release.
    69. Futhermore if a release is different because it has less tracks it is not allowed to be
    70. released when a release previous to it contained all the tracks from this release.
    71. 7. Mixes must include track listing (in NFO) and a .CUE file if possible (N/A for live mixes).
    72. 8. No self made compilations. (YES DJ Mixes are still allowed)
    73. 9. All ID3 tags must be generated correctly (appropriate information in the correct fields).
    74. 10.The entire CD,Vinyl,etc. must be released (not individual tracks).
    75. 11.Live recordings (from radio) must contain a date when they were broadcast.
    76. 12.Including covers or CD-Extra tracks (videos, etc...) in a release is optional.
    77. This Document was signed & approved in August, 2000 by the following individuals,
    78. representing their respective groups:
    79. crayfish(CMG) fido(AMOK) deepdown(NBD) azmd(MOD) wonder(UBE) fastjack(STAR) luna6(NuHS)
    80. karmacoma(kW) hopkin(sb) xtream(SS) uforia(eMission) atg(ATR) wezel(HS) eminenz(cnmc)
    81. trax(trbmp3) trancer(tclub) stryker(OZM)
    Alles anzeigen

    ich halte die Regeln #3 und #4 für am wichtigsten
    und BITTE BITTE macht auch ne M3U (playlist file) !!!
    danke an alle, die sich dran halten, es ist ein Beitrag für bessere Uploads in der MP3-Section, ganz egal welche Musikrichtung


    Edit: Nachdem einige meinen Post etwas falsch aufgefasst haben, möcht ich hier nochmal darauf hinweisen, dass es keine Regeln usw geben wird. Es ist lediglich ein Vorschlag, um die ganze Sache besser zu gestalten.