Prince of Persia The Sands of Time

  • Suche Cheats

  • Maddin²
  • 915 Aufrufe 2 Antworten

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  • Prince of Persia The Sands of Time

    hat zufällig jemand ein paar Cheats für Prince of Persia The Sands of Time???

    Schickt mir einfach ne PN

    :danke: schon im vorraus!
  • Ich hab das hier gefunden:


    1. Start the game with: PRINCE MEGAHIT [Enter]
    2. (In version 1.3 use IMPROVED)
    3. This gives you access to these cheat keys:
    4. +-Increase time
    5. --Decrease time
    6. H-View screen to the left
    7. J-View screen to the right
    8. K-Kill the guard you are fighting
    9. N-View screen below
    10. U-View screen above
    11. [Shift]+B-Blanks out non-animated objects
    12. [Shift]+I-Inverts the screen
    13. [Shift]+L-Advance to the next level
    14. [Shift]+S-Heal a health point
    15. [Shift]+T-Add a health point
    16. [Shift]+W-Float down
    Alles anzeigen

    hoffe es ist dir ne hilfe!
    greez catalyst