American vs. British English

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  • I don't know, why the most of you prefer to speak American English.
    That's harder to understand and it's not so nice than British English.
    I prefer to speak BE, because it's easiler to understand and to speak.
    But there are some words they are better to pronounce in AE.
    In school you learn BE but if you're in class eight in an German "Gymnasium" than you will learn the differences between BE and AE. The pronounciation and the words.
    greetings mclaren
    / \
  • (I’m English btw) I agree with Sprudel there is very little difference between American English and British English other than accents of course which are different everywhere. Perhaps because of all the films TV we Brits have watched (in the original) and that Americans generally probably speaker slower there’s hardly any lack of understanding from our side. The only people we’d have problems understanding are the sort of people other Americans wouldn’t get either. And young people over here know all their slang.

    As for British English there’ll be some regional accents when they’re strong that even natives would have problems, like Glaswegian or Geordie. But English-speaking countries don’t really have dialects anymore, not like in Germany. So I disagree with Centurian there, there’s nothing to compare with Hocht-Deutsch (sic?) and Schwitzer-Deutsch.

    You do notice as a Brit that Germans, younger ones, often speak English with an American. But as people have said here, I very much doubt there’s anybody who would be mistaken for an American in the UK. I’m sure whatever country you’re from foreigners always speak with some kind of accent.
  • I've always loved the way the British accent sounds, but that might also be because I just dig more bands from the UK and it's a little more... extraordinary. I think neither British nor American English is harder to understand, but I think it's easier to pronounce things the American way for Germans.
    Nevertheless, I prefer British, though some people might say the nasal voice sounds arrogant or stiff, but I still think the American accent with its flat and 'extra-cool' style is a much less likeable thing.
  • Ex-pat schrieb:

    As for British English there’ll be some regional accents when they’re strong that even natives would have problems, like Glaswegian or Geordie. But English-speaking countries don’t really have dialects anymore, not like in Germany. So I disagree with Centurian there, there’s nothing to compare with Hoch-Deutsch (sic?) and Schwitzer-Deutsch.

    hm this "problem" we also have in germany. there are many dialects in germany. like bavarian or saxon ^^. i have to say that i am bavarian and in the region i live we speak a strong accent. but if you go about 20-30 km more eastwards from where i am living (-> deep in the bavarian forrest) even i have difficulties with understanding those guys. they speak a kind of ur-bavarian.

    Ex-pat schrieb:

    You do notice as a Brit that Germans, younger ones, often speak English with an American. But as people have said here, I very much doubt there’s anybody who would be mistaken for an American in the UK. I’m sure whatever country you’re from foreigners always speak with some kind of accent.

    i agree. but i think this is in any language.

  • I have to admitt that I LOVE British English (although my English isn´t good at all ;) ). Even while it´s very difficult to understand.
    I just sounds aristocratic and elegant, compared to the raw and rough AE. Espacially the American English of the southern States is very ugly.

    I always enjoy listening to British guys, during my holiday´s^^
  • Hiiighhh there...

    When i had to learn BE ( oxford english ) at school i didn’t like it. Later, years after i finished school i visited the USA so i had to speak AE and i liked it because it was the first time that i was able to have a conversation in a strange language in a country far away from my home. Most of americans do not like BE , and so didn’t i.
    Nowadays i have friends from GB living next door and because i love them i also love to talk to them and i was getting familiar with the BE again – also i like to watch some series in BBC TV like “What’s the story in Balamory” - The BE has a good hint of sarcasm and i like there sense of (black) humour ( like Mr Bean ). ;)

  • Well, there are lots of different possibilities. E.g. you can search for CDs with stories in british English und hear them. Then you could repeat the sentences and pay attention to your pronounciation.
    [FONT="Arial Black"]Hoffnung und Freude sind die besten Ärzte.[/FONT]
    Wilhelm Raabe
  • Hi there,

    I find, that the british english sounds better than the american one.
    One more reason why I prefer the British one is because of the easier understanding...


    PS: I'm Saxon^^
    Du suchst eine Übernachtung 4free? Wirf im Bus nen Rucksack in die Menge und schrei >für Allah<
  • I´ve worked in my German Army Time for about 9 months with americans 9 Hours a day. In this time you LEARN matter if english-english or american-english. ;) About a Year later i´ve talked to an English man from London for a while. After a few minutes he asked me, if i´m an amercian. I must have looked really surprised as he said to me that my speaking is very good. Then i´m told him why i can speak so good. He started to smile but he had repeated his compliment. He is still a good friend of mine. I will say that i don´t have a favourite "English". Everytime when i´ll be asked about my english, i always answer that you could send me from the middle of London to my home, i´ll find it. :)

    dark greetings