Brauche Hilfe in Eglisch!

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  • Brauche Hilfe in Eglisch!

    ich soll für den englisch unterrricht einen text mit tipps zur verhinderung des klimawandels schreiben. da dieser bewertet wird und ich lieder nicht der beste in englisch bin, wollte ich mal nachfragen, ob einer von den schlauen köpfen hier, sich den text mal ansehen könnte und gegebenfalls korrigiert. bedanke mich schonmal...


    Climate Change Action Plan

    The Climate Change Action Plan consists of ideas with those one tries to stop the climate change. One important point is that all people in London do not have to reduce their standard of living. But every person has to change the way they live.

    The main idea is that the public have to move from a high energy-use and wasteful economic concept to a concept with minimizes waste. The keyword is thus “efficient”, then without efficient are all these ideas not possible to convert. Only if we invest now in new engines, machines etc. to reduce the CO2 emission we can slow the climatic change down and we has these problems not in the future where it could become more expensive or it is already offering no prospects.

    A good example is e.g. the offer at public means of transport, where London should be already a good example of other cities. Also the new express train “euro star” is to be preserved a good possibility the environment. Particularly if it should be fast and favorable, the people should fall back to it. The “euro star” drives into 2 hours and 50 minutes from London to Paris and is not half like that environment damaging like cars. Straight ones for longer routes should be used these possibilities. In addition, flying should be used from a distance off 350 km that resulted in recently a new study.

    mfg mirado
  • So ich hab dir mal meine Verbesserungsvorschläge rein geschrieben. Bitte schreib mir nochmal was du an den Stellen meinst, wo ich Unklar hinter geschrieben habe. Ich hoffe, dass viele Rot greift dich nicht an:) Du solltest kürzere Sätze schreiben, denn so wie ich das sehe, verwirrst du dich nur selbst damit. Dadurch entstehen Sätze die weder du, noch der Leser verstehen. Bei Fragen, einfach schreiben.
    Sollte ein anderer User Verbesserungsvorschläge für meine oder mirados Version haben, immer her damit. Man kann nie genug lernen^^


    Danke Chaosbohne, habs geändert. Ne Idee, wie man das "down" im zweiten Absatz am besten setzt?

    Climate Change Action Plan

    The Climate Change Action Plan consists of ideas with which is tried to stop the climate change. One important point is that all people in London do not have to reduce their standard of living, but the way they live.

    The main idea is that the community is supposed to move from a high energy-using and wasteful economic concept to one wich minimizes waste and energy use. So the keyword is "efficiency”, because without it, all these ideas can not be realized. Only if we invest into new engines, machines etc. now, we can reduce the CO2 emissions and so slow the climatic change down (Beim down bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher ob man es vors climatic change schreibt oder dahinter. Mein Gefühl sagt mir davor, aber ich kann mich auch irren. Ich mach es hier so, wie es bei dict.leo steht). If we do not do anything today, we will still have these problems in the future with higher costs and no perspectives. (ich hoffe ich habe den Satz so richtig interpretiert)

    A good example is the offer at public means of transport (Unklar-schreib nochmal was du meinst), where London should be a good example for other cities. Also the new express train “euro star” has the prospect of beeing a good chance for the environment(Hoffe du wolltest das mit deinem Satz sagen).Particularly if it should be fast and favorable, people should fall back on it. With the “euro star” it takes 2 hours and 50 minutes from London to Paris (Deine Variante geht auch)and is not half as much polluting the environment as cars do. Straight ones for longer routes should be used these possibilities(Unklar). According to a recently released study, flights should only be done/booked in case of distances over 350 km.
    "Wer Freiheit aufgibt um Sicherheit zu gewinnen, wird am Ende beides verlieren." Benjamin Franklin
  • Es ist ein gravierender Fehler drinne
    und zwar das Wörtchen: "wich"!

    das gibst im Englischen nicht, das muss "which" heißen ;)

    dann würde ich noch sagen, dass "Keyword" kleingeschrieben wird "keyword"

    vorletzte Zeile würde ich statt "damage" "pollute" nehmen

    mfg. Chaosbohne

    PS: ich habe mich auf den Text von Horizon bezogen
    [COLOR="Blue"]Suche[/color] Lieder der Band: Alexanders
    Dann noch: Je t'aime auf Deutsch und von CCR Bad Moon Rising auf Deutsch
  • Climate Change Action Plan

    The Climate Change Action Plan consists of ideas which try to stop the climate change. One important advantage is that all people in London do not even have to reduce their standard of living, but the way they live.

    The main idea is that the community is supposed to move from a high energy-using and wasteful economic concept to one wich minimizes waste and energy use. So the keyword is "efficiency”, because without it, all these ideas can not be realized. Only if we invest into new engines, machines etc. now, we could reduce the CO2 emissions and [as the consequence] slow down the climatic change
    If we do not change anything today, we still will have these problems in the future with higher costs and less perspectives.