Google – The Missing Manual

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  • Google – The Missing Manual

    Google – The Missing Manual
    by Sarah Milstein, Rael Dornfest

    Google is the planet's most popular program for finding stuff on the Web. Millions of people a day use it to search for everything from apple pie recipes to high school sweethearts to Zimbabwean bus schedules--but it has no manual. And who needs help for such an easy to use program? As it turns out, Google has many hidden tricks and tools that can turn your simple searching into powerful--and successful--discoveries. But you have to know where to look. Google: The Missing Manual is your guide, covering:
    • Search techniques and tricks. If you know which search words to choose and how to ask for the special things Google lets you look for--like phone numbers, definitions, stock quotes, pictures, and other goodies--you'll get more of what you want, more often. This book helps you search more effectively.
    • Must-have tools. Why head to Google's home page 80 times a day when toolbars, buttons and other widgets can help you search more efficiently? Use this book to find out how the pros achieve greater Google efficiency.
    • Little-known corners of Google. From the "Similar pages" links in your Google results to the mysterious Groups and Directory tabs on the home page, down-to-earth discussions throughout this book explain what these odd items are and when you should use them.
    Whether you're new to the Web or an Internet aficionado, Google: The Missing Manual is a friendly deskside companion, brimming with tips for getting more out of the world's favorite search program.