Angepinnt How to use the search

  • Tutorial

  • Jusher
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  • How to use the search

    How to use the search

    The search is one of the most important features of this board. It can be helpful in so many situations and it is much smarter than many of you think :D

    Here's a step by step tutorial on how to use the search and what all the different buttons and input boxes mean.

    Your first step, of course, is to think about WHAT you want to find. To find exactly what you want, you have to know how the search works. I suggest using the least amount of words possible. Reducing too much, however, might lead to far too many results to look through. The right amount of information is the "art of searching". :)

    Now, let's start with the actual tutorial!

    First thing to do, is locating the Search (Suchen in German).

    The new menu popping up after clicking on Search leaves you with several options.

    1. You can do a quick search by just typing in your search string and hitting Go. You can also choose whether you want to view the results as threads (entire threads are shown, no matter how many times the search string was found) or as posts (only posts where the string appears are returned).
    If you want to do a more complex search, hit Advanced Search.
    The Tag Search displays the 150 most used thread tags and allows you to search specific tags.

    2. Most likely, unless you are a moderator, you will not need the feature of searching in projects.

    3. To search in blogs, type in the desired search string and hit Go. For an advanced search hit Advanced Search.

    The Neue Themen button will return new threads.px"> 1. You can do a quick search by just typing in your search string and hitting Go. You can also choose whether you want to view the results as threads (entire threads are shown, no matter how many times the search string was found) or as posts (only posts where the string appears are returned).
    If you want to do a more complex search, hit Advanced Search.
    The Tag Search displays the 150 most used thread tags and allows you to search specific tags.

    2. Most likely, unless you are a moderator, you will not need the feature of searching in projects.

    3. To search in blogs, type in the desired search string and hit Go. For an advanced search hit Advanced Search.

    The Neue Themen button will return new threads.

    The Advanced Search

    1. Specify your search by typing in keywords. Also choose what you want to search: the entire post or only its title.

    2. If you want to narrow the search down by specifying the author of the keywords, put the nick name of the user here. Again, you have the option of what posts you want to search: either all of the user's or only threads started by him. The check box for Exact name is self-explanatory.

    3. Only searching certain prefixes is another helpful option. Just scroll down until you find your desired prefix. Multiple prefixes can be chosen by using Strg and Shift

    4. Specify the number of replies to the threads you want to search. Possible options are At Least and At Most.

    5. You can choose the time period in which your keywords appear.

    6. Choose from a big list in what order you want your results displayed.

    7. Do you want your results returned as entire threads (even if the whole thread only contains the keyword once) or as single posts (displaying every post, where the keyword appears at least once).

    8. Narrow down your search by searching for certain tags.

    9. The possibility of only searching certain forums. Multiple entries can be selected with Strg and Shiftpx"> 1. Specify your search by typing in keywords. Also choose what you want to search: the entire post or only its title.

    2. If you want to narrow the search down by specifying the author of the keywords, put the nick name of the user here. Again, you have the option of what posts you want to search: either all of the user's or only threads started by him. The check box for Exact name is self-explanatory.

    3. Only searching certain prefixes is another helpful option. Just scroll down until you find your desired prefix. Multiple prefixes can be chosen by using Strg and Shift

    4. Specify the number of replies to the threads you want to search. Possible options are At Least and At Most.

    5. You can choose the time period in which your keywords appear.

    6. Choose from a big list in what order you want your results displayed.

    7. Do you want your results returned as entire threads (even if the whole thread only contains the keyword once) or as single posts (displaying every post, where the keyword appears at least once).

    8. Narrow down your search by searching for certain tags.

    9. The possibility of only searching certain forums. Multiple entries can be selected with Strg and Shift

    That is pretty much all you have to know about our beloved Search :D
    If you like the Search, the Search will like you :)

    If, for some reason, you don't understand this tutorial I am more than willing to help you!

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Jusher ()