"Powerfull Sleep" [Komplette Sammlung]

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  • onash
  • 682 Aufrufe 7 Antworten

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  • "Powerfull Sleep" [Komplette Sammlung]

    Readme.txt schrieb:

    1. PowerfulSleep.pdf

    This is the main Powerful Sleep e-book Manual. Start by reading this ebook first

    2. Vivid_Dreams.pdf

    This is the Vivid Dreams ebook which will teach you the power of unlocking your shadow memories, to remember hours of your dreams in vivid detail.

    3. NightShift_JetLag_Report.pdf

    This is the special report through which you'll learn special tactics to optimize your inner sleep clock for distant time zone travel and vigorous sleeping schedule changes that come with working at night.

    4. Evaluation_sheet.pdf

    This is your personal sleep system evaluation sheet. Print and fill this sheet out on your own time after completing the main Powerful Sleep manual

    5. Lessons From Miracle Doctors.pdf

    This is the complete 144 page book by John Barron : Lessons from Miracle Doctors

    2 Charts

    1. body_temperature_chart.pdf

    This is the printable body temperature chart for the circadian rhythm experiment in the appendix section of the Powerful Sleep ebook

    2. dream_interpretation_chart.pdf

    This is the printable chart which comes with the Vivid Dreams ebook to help you unlock your shadow memories, remember, and interpret all your dreams.

    Wie man sehen kann alles english, dennoch ziemlich leicht verständlich.

    Anfrage => sleep/deinnickname

    greets onash
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    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von onash ()