Ff13 xbxo360

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  • Ff13 xbxo360


    undzwar habe ich das Problem das bei Kapitel 4, Abschnitt 2: Tal der Trümmer, nicht der Endgegener kommt. Man kann am ende Speichern, und dann steht man vor diesen verspeerten Weg und das wars. Laut Lösung müsste dort aber der Endgegner kommen. Habe das Allstars release mit FIX gebrannt mit IMGBURN auf 2,4. Bisher lief auch alles einwandfrei, bis halt Kapitel 4 :/ Hab ein Samsung Laufwerk mit 1.6x Firmware (genauer geht es nicht da ich sie angekauft habe bereits geflasht) ansonsten rennen alle games (Dantes Inferno etc)

    edit: abgx log 1.02 MOD


    1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2. \\//\\//\\//\\// _ |_ _ \ \/ /_ _ _ \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
    3. //\\//\\//\\//\\ (_||_)(_|/ /\ \_||_ | | //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//
    4. ------------------------_|------_||_||_|--v1.0.2-------[http://abgx360.net]----
    5. MOD by AEtH
    6. Checking for updates to abgx360.dat...
    7. abgx360.dat was downloaded successfully
    8. Checking Game
    9. ISO: "HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GE20NU10 EE05 (G:)"
    10. Layerbreak: 1913760
    11. Size: 7838695424 bytes (SplitVid 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th wave)
    12. Files in ISO: 25, Folders in ISO: 5
    13. Total bytes used: 6273324485 (85.95%)
    14. Game appears to have random padding
    15. Checking default.xex
    16. Title ID: 535107E4 (SQ-2020)
    17. Disc Number: 1 of 3
    18. Original PE Filename: ffxiii.exe
    19. Original PE Timestamp: 2009/12/25 12:33:17
    20. title icon
    21. Game Name: FINAL FANTASY XIII
    22. Developer: Square Enix
    23. Publisher: Square Enix
    24. Genre: Rollenspiel
    25. No Avatar Awards
    26. Achievements: 35 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore
    27. XEX CRC = 6395DCC9
    28. XEX Media ID: 77FFF886FEAB10184B6BE5FD-602A3E5A
    29. Region Code: 0x00FF00FF
    30. PAL
    31. NTSC/U
    32. Checking SS
    33. Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/12/28 00:00:00
    34. Timestamp of Mastering: 2010/01/14 17:44:39
    35. SS Version: 1
    36. SS CRC = 08800D77 (RawSS = D4BD3D3A)
    37. SS Media ID: 77FFF886FEAB10184B6BE5FD-602A3E5A (matches game)
    38. SS looks valid
    39. Checking DMI
    40. Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/12/28 00:00:00 (matches SS)
    41. DMI CRC = A186793F
    42. DMI Media ID: 77FFF886FEAB10184B6BE5FD-602A3E5A (matches game)
    43. DMI looks valid
    44. Checking PFI
    45. PFI CRC = 05C6C409
    46. PFI matches known data (4th, 5th and 6th wave - requires iXtreme v1.51 [Hitachi only], v1.6 [using activation disc], v1.61 or later (4th wave), iXtreme LT or later (5th and 6th wave)
    47. Video partition found
    48. Video is zero padded
    49. Video CRC = E2FA3A26 (V0 = E0363F4E, V1 = EAE76B94)
    50. Video partition matches known data (6th wave - requires iXtreme v1.51 [Hitachi only], v1.6 [using activation disc], iXtreme LT or later)
    51. Stealth check passed! (6th wave)
    52. Starting Verification
    53. Looking for 08800D776395DCC9.ini in the online verified database
    54. There is no verified rip of this Xex/SS combination in the online database
    55. Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex/SS combination
    56. Attempting to at least verify the game data
    57. Looking for Xex_6395DCC9.ini in the online verified database
    58. Xex_6395DCC9.ini was downloaded successfully
    59. Looking for A55D37796395DCC9.ini in the online verified database
    60. A55D37796395DCC9.ini was downloaded successfully
    61. Using A55D37796395DCC9.ini (356 bytes)
    62. AnyDVD style corruption was not detected
    63. Game CRC = 901D2E9F (matches)
    64. Game data was verified but stealth wasn't
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