Schlag gegen FreeTv Hackers....

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  • Mr.flash
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  • Schlag gegen FreeTv Hackers....

    Artikel war auf italienisch, habs durch eine onlineübersetzungmaschinie gejagt! da ich denk das mehr user englisch können als itali.! Aber man versteht worum es geht! Unter anderem soll auch tony doe darunter sein! wurde aber noch nicht bestätigt!

    Six persons have been denounced in the within of a antipirateria operation against hacker that they diffused on Internet codes and software for being able to see in luminosity the programs of Sky.
    She reports a famous one of the Police mails them of Rome.
    The six have been characterize on the base of a denunciation, introduced the summer to you slid from the society Canal French Plus, against ignoti "that they had through diffuse the Internet net codes and suitable handbook of use for the vision in luminosity of the system ' Seca 2 '", say the famous one.
    The six denounced persons are the managers of the situated one **** "through which they came discloses codes to you, software and instruments of programming in order to make use in luminosity of the digital transmissions them criptate with codify Seca 2 between which famous Italian manager Sky".
    To the denunciations searchs in the rooms of the hacker have been accompanied (in Lombardy, Liguria, Tuscany, Campania and Sicily). Between they there is also "the famous ' of campania Linixone' trentacinquenne that managed to international level the spread of codes Seca 2", continues the official notice.
    The antipirateria operation has been lead simultaneously in various European Countries with the aid of the Polish, Spanish and maltesi police forces, and has carried in total to the arrest of three persons and denunciation of others ten.
    They have been seized huge amounts of material: PC, hard disk, smart card pirata, cdrom and dvd, decoder and satellitari receivers.



    Ich beantworte kein PN´s zu Thema Freetv, dafür ist das Forum da!?!